Happy New Years! My primary goal for 2023 is to figure out what’s causing my throat blockage / dysphagia. Call me wishful, but it does feel like throat blockage / dysphagia is at the center of many of my health issues; solving it would nullify a large majority of the problems I face.
I’ve made good progress in 2022, but it’s not enough. It just so happens that my doctor Alice Cheng outlined a new path forward last week. According to her, my regurgitation is likely caused by an anatomic issue: esophagus dysmotility or stomach dysmotility. At first, she suspected esophagus dysmotility, hence her recommendation to try desipramine.
After I informed her that even 50mg of desipramine has no real impact, she began to suspect stomach dysmotility instead. Going forward, I will slowly faze out the desipramine (25mg for a week, then stop). I will then undergo a gastric emptying study to check if my stomach really does have trouble properly clearing itself.
The doctor also offered to let me try reglan (aka medication for the stomach) right away, if I wanted to speed things up, but I’m going to hold off for now.
PS: other New Year’s resolutions / goals for 2023 include to be able to run 5km nonstop and to break the habit of intentionally playing dumb