I used my Chase Visa cashback rewards to finance a new electric shaver. Following the recommendation of NYTimes’ Wirecutter, I bought a Braun Series 7 7085cc off Amazon, which shipped overnight.
The unboxing was quiet so as not to disturb my sleeping family members. To my dismay, there were barely any instructions included. The 102-year-old German company seemed to think a small 6” paper with colorful pictures was enough to explain everything. I was able to intuit most of the steps required, but I did miss some big ones (aka putting the Braun clean cartridge into the stand).
This is my first electric razor in nearly a decade. After using it these last few days, I’m satisfied. The shave is nowhere near as close as my Gillette Fusion, but the convenience more than makes up for it.
PS: the cleaning station is surprisingly loud. I think I’ll only use it when I need charging (aka approx. once a week); after most shaves, I’ll default to manual rinsing under the sink.