Before my Friday night dinner outing with Eric and Tony, I felt really tired and stressed. To be honest, I’m not sure why. That day, I had taken my 10mg of CBD in the morning as usual. I had slept well the night before. Work was light because it was a company wide Google holiday (“October Global Reset Day”).
My 4:30pm walk around Rainbow Park might have contributed greatly. On that walk (where I had a nice conversation with my friend Tom’s mom and sister), I wore nothing but shorts and a T-shirt. By the time I got home, I was freezing my buns off. I found it hard to focus and soon fell into old habits like meticulously counting down the minutes to the next event and worrying needlessly about being exactly on time.
By the time Eric picked me up at 6:03pm, I felt the need to warn him about the higher probability of CPS attacks. The meal we had at Pho Nam in Sunnyvale was nice. I ordered a bowl of dac biet pho with coconut juice on the side. Filling my tummy with the hot soup + noodles and chatting with my friends about their long work weeks definitely calmed me down.
When we finished at 7:20pm, Eric suggested heading over to Robert’s place (aka a five minute drive away) to chill. I was hesitant, but eventually relented. That turned out to be the right choice.
Sitting on a couch for an hour while watching random music videos on YouTube was revigorating and relaxing. Tran introduced me to Seven Lions EDM; Eric gave everyone a taste of 2Pac with “All Eyez on Me”; I showed the group my piano playing via my YouTube channel. (My mom was complimented on her singing when we played the “The Moon Represents My Heart” cover.)
I arrived home at 9pm. I’m glad to report that no CPS attacks occurred that Friday night. Some may see these nervous breakouts as a sign that I should increase my CBD dosage; however, I see them as a sign that keeping myself naturally calm is still vital. For now, I’m going to keep my CBD dosage at 10mg while adding more mental focus on being patient and not worrying so much.