Now that my brother Chris has started work, the Kang family sleep schedule has flipped. Chris used to be the last one awake; now he is the first because his new company expects him to attend all the workday meetings, even the ones in the early California morning hours (aka 5:30am PST / 8:30am EST).
Due to these morning meetings, my mom has started waking up earlier too. My brother’s office space happens to be right next to her bedroom as well as mine. His meeting conversations aren’t enough to disturb my sleep, but unfortunately that’s not the case for Mom. Instead of sleeping in until half past ten, I find her regularly out and about before 8am. (For me, that’s a good thing because it means coffee + cheesecake happens earlier.)
As for myself, I’ve gone from being the first awake to the last. The reasoning for that is unrelated to my brother’s new job; I simply find it comforting to snuggle my blankets in the cold winter morning and put off starting my boring day.
On a related note, I’m curious what my brother’s sleep routine will turn out to be. I half expected him to give up being a night owl and start sleeping around the same time as me; after all, 5:30am — (8hrs sleep + 30min leeway) = 9pm. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case. His midnight gaming sessions are too precious to give up; right now, he goes to bed at 3pm.
PS: with these new schedules, I can no longer regularly play piano on weekdays (*insert sad emoji*)