Last Thursday, I turned on the Pluto TV app, hopped on my Precor elliptical and started a run. Almost immediately, I heard a loud grating. The machine still worked, but the sound was bothersome enough that it made running nigh-impossible. (Okay, if Chris hadn’t been in the garage, I might have attempted to endure harder and push through the noise.)
At first, I assumed the pile-up of junk (grocery bags, bike wheels, etc.) around the elliptical machine was at fault. However, even after cleaning up the area, the sound continued. Soon, I turned to my dad for help.
The old man / debugger paused his dinner, produced his screwdriver toolset and took apart the Precor. Things inside were dusty as hell (and filled with the corpses of many dead spiders), but there was nothing obviously wrong.
It’s been 5 days and the grating noise remains. Winter is coming, but finding a fix or buying a replacement is not as urgent as you might imagine. With my current routine (aka one rest day between runs + max two days run in a row), my body seems to endure just fine. I’ve had no weak knee issues as of late.
Not to mention, California is in a drought. It has rained more than usual this autumn, but finding clear skies isn’t exactly difficult.