I borrowed my dad’s keycap removers and thoroughly cleaned my old Velocifire mechanical keyboard on Friday. Doing so took quite a bit of effort. Everything was still dirty from my vomit so I had to polish each key with a wipe. I also had to wipe the base. Getting all the debris out of the cracks required an alcoholic wipe, a toothpick, a Q-tip, and an air blower.
I switched back on that same Friday the 13th. After being cleaned, the Velocifire sure was easier to type on. I fiddled around with where to place it. As of now, it sits atop my desk; my mouse gets the entire keyboard tray to itself.
My arms seem to be okay with the change so far. However, there has been more clicking in my shoulder joints lately. My left shoulder also felt out-of-place briefly this past weekend. (PT stretches and exercises helped return it back to normal.) Going forward, I’m going to be careful. My Logitech K380 remains on constant standby.
My final decision will be made by November 11th. That’s the return deadline for my Richboom tilted keyboard stand, which I bought to support the K380. If I really switch back, the tilted stand would be useless since the Velocifire already has built-in legs.