When I last saw him, my friend Tony claimed that eBay is the way to go when it comes to your Xbox Game Pass subscription. He had found a cheap bargain for the service and was now racing around happily in Forza Horizon 5.
eBay seemed plausible, but I had my doubts, especially since I’m not a new customer. Not wanting to get scammed, I turned to my Potato buddies (aka the group of gamers that introduced me to Xbox in the first place) for answers. The first and only response I received was Patrick’s: “Doubt it? I think the most legit way is to get Xbox live subs and convert to game pass [link removed] like this.”
The deal Patrick linked was certainly slick: $30 vs $180 for a year. However, it had a complicated list of steps and required a Turkish VPN. If I truly wanted, I could get all the amenities needed through friends / family (yes, even the VPN) free of charge, but in the end, I decided it was not worth the trouble. Tim’s Xbox Game Pass Ultimate will remain at full price.
Besides, my monthly allowance of $15 for streaming is not all that much. Nowadays, that’s approximately the equivalent of lunch at the company cafeteria + afternoon boba / coffee with coworkers. It’s true that I haven’t been getting every penny’s worth from Xbox, but looking at things that way turns it into a chore.
PS: I’m willing to invest in other services, but Ni No Kuni has been addicting; I find myself playing for close to an hour regularly