Dry eye syndrome has been a major problem for me when it comes to wearing contacts. Over the years, I’ve tried all sorts of suggested solutions to no avail. Last month, I tried yet another by buying a bottle of Refresh Relieva.
When it arrived, I was surprised to see how small the bottle of eye drops was. (Okay, I probably should’ve read the size of 0.33oz more carefully.) It looked no bigger than the samples of contact solution given out at the optometrist. Considering the price of $15, I felt slightly ripped off. However, the super high Amazon rating of 4.7 / 5 stars with 4,634 reviews convinced me to give it a chance nonetheless.
What I’ve been doing is adding in Relieva drops before putting in my Dailies AquaComfort Plus contacts. Doing so seems to keep the contacts moisturized for longer. Throughout the day, I drip in drops on top whenever things feel dry. On most days, additional drops are needed roughly every three hours. Carrying around the small bottle is a bit of a hassle when out and about, but the Dailies ACP are much more comfortable with the help of Relieva.
All in all, I’m satisfied. Once my bottle of Refresh Relieva runs out, I’ll probably buy another. As a side note, I do not have the specialized Refresh Relieva for Contacts. Many Amazon reviews mentioned that the fluids are similar enough that either works; I can confidently confirm that is the case.