Dry cake blockage was bad this past week. As for the cause, I’d say it’s the same Monday meals mentioned in my 10/25 post. Stuffing myself after feeling full from a McDonald’s lunch was especially foolish; as of today, some of the remaining leftovers still wedge themselves tightly.
Unfortunately, this has triggered a comeback of epic proportions. During the day, I find myself rubbing cold fingers / toes, having a higher likelihood of CPS confusion, and suffering a slow recovery of knees / joints. (On Thursday I had to walk to Trader Joe’s twice; the first time, I suffered a confusion spell not long after arrival and went home empty-handed without Mom’s requested broccoli or canned salmon.)
During the night, I find it harder to sleep. Putting the bed in Zero-G mode and wearing warmer clothing help slightly, but it’s not enough.
Anyway, I didn’t try many active techniques this time around. Regurgitation after drinking a cup of oolong tea on Tuesday was sour enough that I briefly chewed some Tums. A PMT on Wednesday from Tpumps seemed to help, perhaps due to the slow sipping encouraged by the chewing. For now, I’m going to eat carefully and sip slowly; hopefully things will ease out on their own.