It’s been over a month since I started wearing a nightgown (“Keyocean”) at night. So far, so good…for the most part. The bottoms curling up, leaving the legs uncovered is still a recurring issue. Then again, my body has become more accustomed to that feeling; many nights I’ve slept just fine even with the legs exposed.
Now that summer is gone, the temperature has started to dip. On a Friday where the lows reached 50F, I tested out wearing my pink Lomon sherpa on top of the nightgown. The two layers are compatible. They feel comfortable enough that I’ve been wearing them even on warm >55F nights.
As for the daytime nightshirts (“Hanes”), I haven’t been using them daily. This could be because I’ve gone back to walking a lot. It still is the most effective solution I’ve found for combating stomach bloating / chest air. Having to switch clothes every time I step outside is too much of a hassle so I often leave the Hanes untouched.
When I am super bloated, I do switch into the Hanes. Sometimes I use a pair of loose Nike running shorts instead, as a quick alternative. Switching just pants is far easier, though it doesn’t provide as much stomach bloating relief as a full-body nightshirt.
PS: legs feeling extra cold if uncovered may be related to the chest air mentioned in blog post 9/6/23. The fact that hugging a pillow helps warm the legs gives support to this theory.