Last Friday, I was told by Amy (aka the woman manning the YY Noodle booth that sells the $15 chicken feet my mom enjoys) that the Cupertino Creekside farmers’ market will be shutting down temporarily after November 11th to make way for construction.
I informed the rest of the Tzu Chi volunteers (aka a group of kind Asian ladies) of this unfortunate news. They took nicely to it, but realized that this would cause problems for their yearly Christmas special (aka a gift they present to the farmers as a thank you for making so many donations).
After a quick discussion, the other volunteers decided to present their Christmas gift six weeks early. The plan was to come this Friday solely for the gift; the German gentleman helming the West Valley Community Services van was taking the week off, so there would be no donations.
I was down to join them for this act of thanks, but things took a turn. Earlier this week, my dad announced that his company was mandating everybody take Veterans Day off. I decided to use my overflowing EPAM vacation days and join him for a day in San Francisco. Sorry, Creekside, I’ll see you next year!
PS: last I heard, it was going to reopen in either January or February of 2023.