Instead of my trusty green sleeve, lately I’ve been trying out a red long sleeve (aka a medium-sized “Gildan Ultra Cotton”) for sleeping. The reason for the change is simple: the red fits much more snugly, which is a blessing in these chilly times. (Temperatures at night here in the South Bay regularly fall below 40°F.)
Going in, I was a little nervous. Tight clothing generally doesn’t play well with my Apple Watch or my weak shoulders. The Gildan had no problems with either. I was even able to do my physical therapy stretches while wearing the Gildan. However, on some nights I felt like I wanted even more warmth.
Monday night, I slept with the green sleeve on top the Gildan. Tuesday night, I slept with the green sleeve on top a T-shirt. Wednesday night, I slept with just the Gildan again. As you can see, it’s hard to determine the ideal solution, but I have a rough idea of what I’ll choose. For super cold nights, I’ll probably go with the green sleeve + a T-shirt; for most other nights, I’ll turn to the Gildan.
PS: coldness could be due to throat blockage / chest water, making things more complicated