At 1805 hours on November 17th, Chris joined us for his first Dark episode in ages (s02e06 “An Endless Cycle”). The popular young lad has been skimping out on TV show viewings with Dad and I due to his numerous social commitments.
Unfortunately, that viewing demonstrated the extent of my poor memory skills. The other two Kangs jumped back in no problemo; this one barely remembered the premise (aka 33 year time travel wormholes in Germany) and the character names.
Anyway, with the help of Wikipedia summaries and a recap articles, I was able to get back into that universe in 20min. Thank God for the web!
PS: Mom’s memory can be shaky at times as well. Just the other day, she forgot the name for poke bowl after preparing something similar (“Tim! Tim! Tim! I made that Japanese dish you like so much! What was it called again?”).