I’ve finally said good night to Sleep Cycle on the iPhone. I picked up this microphone sleep analyzer / alarm app a couple of months ago hoping that waking up in light sleep could help with my feeling of wooziness in the morning.
After a fair amount of testing, I figured out that unfocused feeling is due to dry state food blockage. (Here is a synopsis.) A smart alarm does not help at all, but I kept using it nonetheless, out of habit. A week ago, I started looking for options on the Apple Watch.
The choices came down to Sleep Cycle on Apple Watch vs Autosleep. (Sleep Cycle is misleading in that its Apple Watch and iPhone apps function quite differently; one uses microphone for analysis, the other uses motion detection.)
Anyway, Sleep Cycle and Autosleep were very similar; in the end I went with Autosleep because it allows scheduling.
You may wonder why I didn’t just go back to Apple Health’s built-in alarm system. Even though it does not help with my dry state wooziness, I had a sliver of hope that smart alarms could provide other health benefits. Plus, things were similar enough that there was no harm in keeping it.
PS: Sleep Cycle helped quell my fears about leaving my iPhone plugged in overnight