At 4:28pm on Discord, Oliver gave the go-ahead for coming over: “Yeah sure I’m bored.” Not long after, Wang picked me up in his SUV and started our journey to the single family home in Santa Clara where the party was being held.
The Saturday night hot pot was hosted by Oliver + Brianna and attended by six others: Wang, Zhou, Alvin, Patrick + Diane, and Dev. My contribution to the food was a 12-pack of Sprite soda and a family size bag of Oreos. Most of the others brought veggies so we were a little low on meat, but we survived.
I found it funny how despite our Discord chat server being themed around potatoes (believe me, it’s a long story), no one thought to bring any. Then again, Zhou did bring homemade “chocolate burnt basque cheesecake” that was quite tasty, so I can’t complain.
Anyway, the entire time we didn’t do much besides talk. Five hours still passed by in the blink of an eye. Oliver + Brianna’s Australian shepherd Cooper really stole the show. The cute 7-month-old puppy jumped over and frolicked around with everyone. By the time we left at 10pm, we were all covered in fur (as well as fun). However, the big reveal of the night had yet to come.
At 11:11pm, Patrick posted a message to Discord revealing that Diane was pregnant and due in June. He admitted that he had been looking to make the announcement during dinner, but “couldn’t find a good time to change the topics of conversation.” Anyhow, big congrats to the young couple! May the best of luck be with them!