The standard intermittent fasting routines do not work for me. I took up intermittent fasting hoping that not eating would reduce the amount of food in my system and let things flow more smoothly to my stomach. Unfortunately, I’ve discovered that my food blockages remain there indefinitely when untouched.
Furthermore, fasting (especially the 24h variant) can be extremely uncomfortable. As you know, I wake up in the dry state. Liquids alone are not enough to move me over to wet state. Spending so many hours in the dry state can cause extreme tiredness and confusion, especially if the blockage is severe.
If I do want to try intermittent fasting, instead of skipping breakfast, it would be wiser to skip dinner. 12pm to 8am is 20 hours, which is already a fair amount. Skipping lunch as well could be feasible, but is less practical; breakfast alone might not be enough to get me completely out of dry state.
PS: Dr Cheng’s recommendation = up the desipramine dose to 50mg. I’m hesitant to take so many antidepressants, but I’ll do as the doctor says and give it a try.