My parents have long wanted me to bundle up more tightly at night. The other day, my mom placed her electric heated blanket on top of my normal blankets and told me to sleep that way. (Mind you, this was without plugging it in.) There was some resistance on my end, but I gave in.
It was warmer, but I found the setup uncomfortable because the smaller blanket kept shifting around. The fact that I get out of bed so many times each night made things worse. It was so annoying that I ended up removing the electric heated blanket before the end of the night.
The next morning, my parents heard my complaints, but were unfazed. My dad came up with an on the fly solution where he stuffed the second blanket under the covers of the first. This allows the two blankets to move in sync, eliminating any shifting.
When I tested out the combined blankets, it worked. It did feel a lot heavier, but that could be a good thing. After all, weighted blankets seem to be a trend these days. However, the heaviness does make it harder to get in and out of bed, potentially putting more stress on my weak shoulders. The thickness of the blankets also makes putting arms on top no longer a possibility.
Anyhow, even though I am satisfied with this solution, I still stand by that hugging a pillow is best for me since most of the coldness comes from within.
PS: to further improve his solution, Dad bought me a Pendleton Manta Queen Blanket from Costco the next day