My yearly vision exam was on Thursday. With my current prescription, the left eye is 25/20; the right is still 20/20. According to Dr Stephanie Joo, those numbers are the same as last year. The optometrist didn’t strongly recommend a new pair of lenses, but agreed that I could get one if I wanted.
I find the left lens of my Denmark Prodesign blurry at times and the frames a little slippy, so I looked into what was available. After half an hour, assistant Junko helped me pick out a new Flexon Washington 600, rimless on the bottom. (The fact that Cigna provides more coverage for Flexon models definitely factored into my choice.)
Junko’s logic was that to prevent slipping, I should go for a lighter frame and better nose pads; she performed some adjustments to my old frames that worked well, so I trust her insight.
Anyway, the new Flexons are destined to arrive in about a week or two. Hopefully my big investment (aka the same price as a new pair of Sony WH-1000MX5’s) will be worth it!
PS: asked about blue light glasses for computer screens; was told that my current lenses already have the coating built-in.
PPS: thanks Aunt Terrie for the ride! Glad you didn’t talk me into letting you wait; you would’ve been sitting in the parking lot for ~92min.