Recently, I realized that my pillow search is futile. Trying to find a pillow that I can comfortably use the entire night is a near impossible endeavour due to my (still unsolved) medical issues.
After a few hours of sleep, parts of my jaw / neck / throat shift around. For reference, let’s call this position 2. In position 2, I have breathing issues that often result in grand mal seizures around 4am. After waking up, it takes some time for my body to shift back to normal. I can go about my morning tasks while in position 2, but it does make me feel more tired and unfocused. It also makes me more likely to suffer daytime seizures + confusion spells.
Anyway, position 2 is why pillows that feel extremely comfortable when I’m first going to bed feel uncomfortable in the wee morning hours. My neck has warped enough that things are not the same. Normally my body prefers pillows with neck support on a raised bed; in position 2, it prefers flat pillows on a flat bed.
With that in mind, I should be open to the task of having to swap pillows or change the height of my adjustable bed in the morning. It sucks to realize that so much of my attention (and $$$) has been wasted these past few years, but it’s nice to be able to finally wrap things up.
PS: one benefit of having been obsessed with finding the perfect pillow is that there are tons of spares lying around the house. Whatever I’m in the mood for, I should be able to find one to suit that need.