Shortly after 1pm on Friday, one of the hummingbird’s eggs hatched. It wasn’t all that obvious at first. The three Kangs present had to scrutinize the Wyze camera stream in order to come to a consensus on whether what they were seeing was indeed a baby bird.
Both eggs typically hatch at the same time, but in our case, the second egg took longer to break. The next morning, it looked like the sibling had arrived, but once again it was hard to tell. This is because hummingbird babies barely move, at least in their first days of life. Their mother also continues to sit on top of them, hiding them from view 90% of the time.
Anyhow, Dad managed to confirm the hatch with a sneaky photo he took of the nest on Saturday at 9:48am. Mom 1up’ed him by capturing a video of the chicks at 4:45pm on Sunday.