I’ve confirmed that going from wet state to dry state causes a dangerous period of immense fatigue where I’m more susceptible to seizures and confusion. Unfortunately, I have to let my body dry out before bed no matter what.
Earlier, I was trying to decide whether I should dry out earlier in the day (i.e. after lunch) or wait until later (i.e. 7pm). Initial tests didn’t point to a solid answer.
Anyway, those tests were done under the assumption that entering wet state is a daily necessity. After all, wet state does have many benefits: feeling more awake, less fatigue, normal BPM.
Recently, I began to question that assumption. Wet state may be a coping mechanism the body goes through to deal with overhydration + overeating. Those benefits mentioned above might not solely be the result of wet state, but rather proper hydration and blood flow.
This past week, I tried not to enter wet state while staying properly hydrated. Those tests were largely unsuccessful. It was hard to find a balance between staying properly hydrated and drinking too much water. On most days, I found it easy to push myself over the limit and become overhydrated again.
Even so, I’m going to continue those trials. Alas, if I could only have a day with proper hydration, no food leftovers, no anxiety, non-stagnant blood flow, and good posture.