At 4:10pm on Monday, I wore my new Salomon Sense Ride 4’s outside for the first time. (1.98mi Rainbow / Johnson walk with the Dilworth shortcut.) The trial run happened on Tuesday at 8:31am (3.33mi down Rainbow / De Anza / Bollinger).
There’s not much to say; the shoes felt nice. I feel I made a good purchase. The bigger question in the room is, what to do with my Odyssey Pro’s?
I started wearing those older Salomons around December of 2021. The general rule of thumb is to replace shoes every 300 to 500 miles (usually every 3 to 6 months). It’s more difficult to determine the mileage on that thing since there were other shoes present.
Even if we count only runs, I’d say we’re well within the ballpark. 3 runs a week x 14 months (61 weeks) x 2mi per run = 366mi. Not to mention, that’s a low estimate because: 1. most of my runs are over two miles and 2. I used those shoes for walking + hiking as well.
Part of me wants to throw them out and get things over and done with. However, my practical side is keeping the old Salomons around. Occasionally, I will use them for walking; once they begin to feel uncomfortable (or if my shoe closet becomes mighty packed), I will get rid of them.