The Sunday he was 32 years and 191 days old, Tim Kang tried the Delta-8 variant of cannabis. He was regular user of CBD (to combat his daytime seizures), but never used THC before.
The Delta-8 was taken through a JustCBD gummy given to him by his dad. According to the labels, each gummy has 25mg of Delta. Tim was careful not to take too much. He ingested half the gummy at 8:57am and the rest at 10:30am, after feeling that the effects were too weak.
A single Delta-8 gummy had been enough to knock out Tim’s dad completely during a work meeting once. However, it did not have as much of an effect on Tim. All it did was make his day sleepier and slower. A walk around Calabazas took Tim 45min instead of the usual 25. While viewing the new Dumbledore movie with his dad, he dozed off several times.
The effects reminded him of being in “Position 2.” Interestingly enough, the Delta-8 seemed to work like CBD in preventing CPS. Despite feeling super groggy, he had no confusion spells or seizures that day. Anyway, Tim’s curiosity has been satisfied. For someone who has spent a huge amount of time and effort battling “Position 2” sleepiness, feeling fazed out is negative.
PS: Tim’s open to trying out “real weed” Delta-9 in the future, but he’s in absolutely no rush.