Strained my left shoulder badly last week. The problem started when I wore my oversized Unionbay cargo shorts. The pockets on those shorts are angled in a way that it puts my shoulders in a bad position whenever I reach inside. The problem was exacerbated when I took over the ____ story from EPAMer ____; all that Alt+Tab/Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V-ing required for Java server testing sure took its toll.
Many of my initial fixes (avoid putting hands in pockets, not wearing a belt, not wearing a watch, do less typing, play less piano, do more PT exercises, using my standing desk) helped, but not enough. The magical fix that seemed to solve everything was my kneeling chair. That way of sitting made my shoulders align in just the right way. One afternoon of kneeling was enough to make the bones crack back to normal.
(Note: sitting up straight in my computer chair with a back pillow achieved similar effects, but the posture was much harder to maintain.)
Anyway, that magical fix makes me inclined to use my kneeling chair more. I have been neglecting it since February, after finding it made my legs too tired (see 2/24/23 post). Looking back, that leg fatigue could’ve mainly been the result of my Skechers.
To begin, I will start using the kneeling chair as my primary for long computer sessions; for everything else, I will try to use my standing desk. I will walk fewer steps each day (to give my thighs a rest) and try not to get up so often when sitting (to give my knees a break).
PS: my computer chair will stay on call in my room. Kneeling chair / computer chair strain my body in different ways; a brief change can be relaxing at times.