Dad has been steadfastly loyal to the browser game JigSawDoku; he refuses to play sudoku on any other service.
As a lure, I left a half-solved NYTimes Hard sudoku puzzle open in Chrome on Sunday morning. True enough, he was curious enough to try and solve it before closing the tab. That turned out to be quite the challenge. He was working on it when I left for the Tzu Chi graduation at 7:55am; by the time I got back at 1:40pm, he was still trying to figure it out. (He completed it not long after.)
That puzzle inspired in him a greater liking of the NYTimes daily sudoku. Sunday night, I saw him reading about more advanced sudoku solving techniques while reviewing the Hard puzzle as a reference. All this week, I’ve seen him regularly playing the daily NYTimes puzzles. (He still opens up JigSawDoku after he finishes the dailies.)
PS: after seeing him open up to the NYTimes puzzle, I tried to get Dad to try Ken Ken as well. He refused; it was simply too different.