In his effort to clear the garage for our new Tesla Y, Dad created mountains of books. On Saturday, Dad suggested going to the library and donating our books. I’d tried donating to Calabazas Library in the past, but they had limited space; there was no way they could handle all our books (aka enough to completely fill the trunk of our Lexus SUV).
Although they were very likely to sit on the shelf for eternity, saying goodbye to all those books was not easy. There were many of my childhood favorites, including 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Diamond Age and The Lord of the Rings. What helped was the fact that I had switched over to eBooks. The fact that I had an extensive list of past reads on Goodreads helped as well.
Anyhow, we drove to Cupertino Library in the afternoon. This library was famous for accepting large donations, but they had become stingy. In my effort to find the donation box, I talked to a librarian. She rolled her eyes and said the donation box was next to the return bins and open only Tuesday through Thursday.
Next, I called Saratoga Library. The person on call told me they would take 2 boxes per day. That didn’t play well with my Dad because he did not want to make multiple drives (even though he had the Memorial Day week off). As a last resort, I called Goodwill De Anza to see how many they would take. No one answered so we drove home empty-handed.
Later during my afternoon walk, I somehow managed to get ahold of Goodwill. The man I spoke to confirmed they would take unlimited book donations and welcomed us with open arms. After discussing with Dad, we took him up on his offer. We deposited all our books (there was enough that they had to bring out a second book bin) and rewarded ourselves with pastries from 85C for the effort.