Seeing how their intended purpose is no longer relevant, my dad asked if I wanted to return the O’Neill swim trunks I bought off Amazon. I thought about it briefly and told him no. Having a pair of quality swim trunks seems handy during the summer, even if none of your friends or family members are interested in splashing water.
After making that decision, I looked around for places to swim on my own. The Queensborough Pool on Miller caught my eye because it was so freaking close to home.
Checking their website showed several yearly options for families (i.e. $675 for 2 adults & 3 children) and seniors (i.e. $325 for two adults 62 and up), but nothing aimed at a single male millennial. I decided to reach out and see what other plans they had in stock.
To my dismay, they were quite hard to get in contact with. The pool has people inside most of the time, but the door is shut almost 24/7. It is also thick enough that knocking does not make enough noise to gather the attention of anyone inside. I called the number listed on their website many times, but no one answered.
I was on the verge of giving up, but on Wednesday morning I was lucky enough to walk past the pool when the door was open. I hurried inside and talked to a staff member who was on duty. He didn’t know much, but took down my questions + contact info and promised to talk to his higher-ups.
Later that day, I finally got the info I wanted. There are no monthly plans. A yearly adult membership is $325 (+$50 new member initiation fee). As for guest passes, each one is $5; however, they can only be used if a Queensborough Pool member is present.
Overall, that’s a whole lot cheaper than places like YMCA. (My dad told me that he paid about $100 per month when he was learning swimming a few years back.) However, the fact that you have to commit to an entire year makes me extremely unlikely to buy.