Three separate medical issues make bed pillows hard to choose for me: a weak neck, shoulder problems and acid reflux.
Each of these issues requires different pillows; some don’t play nicely with the others. My neck prefers firm & contoured. My left shoulder wants low & soft. My stomach wants my head to sit high.
My shoulder is usually the odd one out. Currently, I start my night with the Tempur-Pedic Serenity. Once my shoulder can no longer handle the height + firmness (aka around 3am), I swap it for my Sagino cotton (which up until then has been acting as a knee pillow). The lowered height causes my stomach to generate a lot more acid and my throat to fill with LPR mucus / phelgm.
The extra mucus in the throat can cause trouble breathing, but usually it’s fine from 3am to 7am, especially if I’m careful not to eat anything too acidic / oily / fatty.
As for the future, there’s not much else I can doing moving forward. On days my shoulder is stronger, sometimes I can last the entire night firm + high. If my acid reflux improves, I might be able to get away with low + contoured (i.e. a memory foam roll or a neck towel).
The most important thing for me to remember is that I’ve tried all the options. New pillows with sexy new designs might look attractive in their commercials / advertisements, but in the end they’re all the same; best I waste my hard-earned cash on other junk.