My lower right molars have been unusually sensitive. This makes eating cold treats like ice cream uncomfortable at times. I assumed it was because parts of the crown had worn away or because of cavities. However, my Thursday dental cleaning visit showed that was not the case.
During that visit, cleaning lady Maria told me nothing was wrong with my molars. One of my teeth needed a filling replacement, but that was front tooth #8. Maria claimed my gums were responsible for the sensitive feeling and that the best way forward was to floss more regularly.
In other news, I’ve figured out why I’ve had trouble putting my phone in the Fitter’s Niche fanny pack; it’s due to the flap designed for separating your wallet from your phone. I often stick the phone on the side of the flap meant for the wallet, making it hard to squeeze in.
Armed with this extra knowledge, I tested out putting both my wallet and phone inside the Fitter’s Niche on my Saturday morning walk to Safeway. (Gotta get that free salad before the coupon expires!) Long story short, it fits alright.