I got the idea that a belt holster could be a fix for my pocket problem from the construction workers repairing a PG&E power pole on my street. (The angled pockets of my Unionbay shorts make reaching inside stressful on my shoulders.) I assumed it would work similarly to a fanny pack, allowing me to keep my smartphone out of my pockets and within easy reach.
It’s true that I already have a fanny pack (a gift from brother Chris) and a man purse (a gift from Mom). Those do the job, but each have their issues. The water bottle straps of the fanny pack make it too big; the man purse puts unequal pressure on the shoulders and is also big + unwieldy.
The PiTau belt holster I ordered off Amazon came the next day. Within minutes of opening the package, I realized it was the wrong choice. Unless you tuck in your shirt, the belt holster goes under the shirt. The lump it creates makes it look awkward.
The clip-on of the holster does not play nicely with the belt buckle and parts of the belt that are doubled. It can only really be clipped on the side or the back. Clipping on the side gets in the way of my arms, putting pressure on my shoulders. Clipping on the back puts it out of reach.
A vertical clip-on holster could possibly solve some of these issues, but I decided to go with a smaller fanny pack. After returning the PiTau, I ordered a Fitter’s Niche UltraSlim.