Tuesday morning was my first encounter with my new bottle of Superior Source Collagen Powder (aka my MCT oil supplement from Trader Joe’s). After finishing my breakfast of avocado + eggs + cheese, I brewed a cup of ginger tea and mixed in a scoop of the powder. Things got a little messy and I spilled some powder here and there. Cleaning up was a hassle, but the end result was worth it.
The chocolate flavored drink reminded me of hot cocoa and was a refreshing treat for someone who has to stay away from sugar. The rest of that Tuesday, I seemed to have better energy. Despite not drinking any caffeine and having a busy schedule, I barely needed to nap.
The positive effects continued the rest of the week. I did feel tired on Thursday, but the afternoon fatigue was likely unrelated to the collagen. Anyhow, throughout the week I experimented with different mixes and my thoughts are listed below.
- Ginger tea = good
- Hot water = good, but ginger tea’s tinge of other flavors makes it better
- Cold water = okay, but hot water is better because you can enjoy longer
- Black / green tea = similar to ginger tea
For now, I’m most likely going to go with ginger tea as the default option. On days I need caffeine, I’ll swap in green tea and on days I’m feeling lazy, I’ll go with hot water.
As a side note, I will probably switch to one of the other brands on Amazon once the bottle is finished. Looking over the nutritional facts, I noticed that the Superior Source only supplies 3.5g of MCTs while most other products supply 5g. (The collagen count of 10g is the same across the board.) In a way, I suppose it’s a good thing that I started off with fewer MCTs; most likely that was what made ramping up such a smooth experience.