Velu and Robert (who is visiting the Bay for two weeks) planned on trying the new Voyager Craft Coffee at 2pm on Sunday. Tony and Eric wanted to have 4pm boba at the Fantasia in Cupertino Village. Tony has never met Robert, but last minute I managed to combine the two hangouts; in the end, everyone had 2pm afternoon coffee at Voyager.
This new coffee shop opened roughly three weeks ago and took over what used to be a Peet’s chain store. You can tell it’s a mom-and-pop shop by its early 3pm Sunday closing hours. When we arrived there were loads of people inside. The cashier manning the register claimed that their Tokyo drink (aka espresso, milk, house-made vanilla, cherry blossom water, brown sugar) was fiercly popular, so that’s what I ordered.
We sipped and chatted for ~40min before taking a short walk around the area. Eric was still thirsty as we browsed Target; he eventually bought a Mango Dragonfruit refresher from the Starbucks inside, which he gave rave reviews about. According to him, it was like a Jamba Juice smoothie; he praised it so much that I’ve added it to my list of drinks to try.
Robert, who has a habit of picking up old toys & gadgets, brought a 1970’s Polaroid SX-70 camera to the meet. Believe it or not, he claims to have picked up nine more of that same rare model. Proudly, he mentioned how the average price of the SX-70 had increased from $250 to $450 since his purchase. (To an outsider, it probably sounded like he was talking about stocks.) Anyhow, he was nice enough to snap and gift an instant photo to each of us.
The hangout finished at 4:20pm. Velu dropped me off on Alderbrook and then ferried Robert to his brother’s place in Campbell; Eric and Tony left in their own cars.