Once again, I realized an intolerance to histamines could be the reason for my mucus generation. On Sunday, July the 30th, I started a 30-day journey on the low histamine diet.
I’ve come up with similar theories in the past. Back in my Intuit days, I remember attributing my stomach bloating after a company social to too many histamines from strawberries. I did try a low histamine diet in February 2022. However, my food blockage problem was still rampaging loose back then, making it hard to see results. IIRC, I gave up after a week.
This time I’ll be more strict. I’ll use the SIGHI list and the Fig app to guide me. Foods that are allowed on the low histamine diet but are mucus inducing (i.e. corn, cheese, sugar) will mostly be avoided. I’ll write down everything I eat in a food diary. It’ll be difficult, but I’ll try to complete the entire 30-day test without allowing leeway or exceptions.
PS: big thanks to Mom, who has graciously offered to adjust her cooking to help me get enough calories each day.