People with GERD are barred from most beverages. Almost none of my old go-to’s are allowed. I have to say no to kombucha, sugary soft drinks, carbonated water, pearl milk tea, and cold brew coffee. Coconut water is the only acceptable option from before. In fact, it is actually considered helpful for fighting GERD.
Undoubtedly, I will need to find new drinks to take the place of the old. Drinking only water is cheap and healthy, but also boring; call me needy, but my tongue prefers stimulation every once in a while.
Anyway, alkaline water and aloe vera juice seem to be the most commonly recommended drinks for people with GERD. Due to the lack of hard scientific proof, some say that the helpfulness of these beverages is a hoax. However, the large amount of community support & backing convinced me to give them a try.
Neither is tasty, but both drinks seem to help reduce acid reflux. (The effect is definitely more pronounced with Tums.) As for side effects, drinking too much aloe vera juice results in mild diarrhea; to be safe, I’m going to limit myself to one cup a day.
On a related note, Korean aloe vera drinks from OKF and Haio (aka the ones w/aloe vera gel similar to what you’d find at a boba shop) might also help with acid reflux. However, like my brother claims, they are “too sweet”; I best stick with the healthier options from Fruit of the Earth or Lily of the Desert.