I sipped several cups of dandelion tea after eating the lamb shawarma wrap on Friday. The hot liquid caused regurgitation, but left my throat feeling mostly clear. Later, I popped in some extra snacks (i.e. dried apple slices, blueberries, mango ice cream bar) which seemed to cause throat blockage to begin.
To stave off the blockage and prevent another Yoshinoya incident, I went for a run at 1815 hours: 2.86mi, 37m58s, 297cal. The run was my second that day (first = 2.23mi, 27m59s, 239cal) and helped reduce water levels in my chest, making things a lot more controllable. The jostling caused by all that movement might have also helped break up the blockage.
Now, the big question is…was the blockage I experienced that evening caused by the afternoon snacks. Or was it a slower development from the lamb shawarma meal I ate for lunch (explaining why my throat felt clear and my tummy non-bloated earlier in the day).
My guess is that the blockage was caused by the snacks. I believe sipping the dandelion tea was the right choice. For the future, I should stop drinking water after meals. Only start sipping water if it feels like there’s a lot of blockage forming. Keep barfing out the blockage and sipping water until the throat feels more clear (or if it is getting late). Once throat is clear, allow it to dry out before the next meal.