I agreed to go to Tzu Chi East Palo Alto food distribution on Saturday. Jason SB gave me a ride and we arrived exactly at 8am.
My memory was fuzzy on the last time I came; I told everyone it was in December ’19 when I helped redirect traffic. However, my blog + Google photos shows that is not the case. My previous time was actually in November ’21. The December ’19 volunteer work was also in East Palo Alto, but for the Perfect Attendance Award Ceremony and not the food bank.
This time around I ended up at the table of plums with Kathy, Jackson and Evan. We were in charge of distributing size 2 bags of plums. All that standing gave us plenty of time to talk and get to know each other.
By the time the food bank finished, it was around 10:45am. Before parting ways, we had an early celebration of the Autumn Moon Festival (mooncakes and taro cakes) combined with a light celebration of a volunteer’s 18th birthday (chocolate cupcakes with candles).
PS: being forced to stand, move about + lift and not snack for ~2.5 hours probably helped a ton with my existing food blockage