Now that I’m an official member of Tzu Chi, I need the right uniform. In addition to the gray polo, I need white cargo pants and white sneakers. Coleman Costco did have white sneakers, but none that were wide. I already have way too many shoes, but the request was a good excuse to buy more so I turned to Amazon.
I bought a pair of Skechers Sport Men’s Vigor 2.0 Serpentine Memory Foam for $52.49. These arrived on Monday and I’ve been wearing them since. 8.5 X-Wide felt a little big, but tightening the shoelaces made things okay. (My other Skechers are 8 Wide, but I went for half a size higher because I plan to wear these with socks.)
Anyway, I noticed that the memory foam insoles were super soft. That made things feel squishy and strange at first, but I got used to it after a day or two. The non-cramped feel makes it more comfortable than my Skechers Moccasins or Merrells; the shoelaces made it easier to take off compared to the Salomons; soon, the Serpentine became my primary shoe for supermarket strolls.
While it’s too soon to make a verdict (after all, I did try the Moccasins and Merrells for the full 7-day Amazon return period), I think the Serpentine was the right buy. Even if they become uncomfortable, in the worst case I won’t have to wear them for long. Most Tzu Chi events are only two hours long; plus, not all of them require shoes.
PS: as for running, the Serpentine works, but I like the feel of the Salomons better; the larger size makes the Serpentine a little floppy.